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Shrink your candidate review time by 80%

Welcome to your new recruitment co-pilot. Syft integrates with your ATS to find the best candidates in seconds.


Used by

and many others

Syft is a multilingual, blind-hiring CV and job parsing ATS integration. It helps with applicant diversity, saves you time, money, and effort by finding you the best quality candidates in seconds.

Remove bias

It's well known that diverse teams make better product decisions. Syft helps you remove as much bias from your early selection process as possible, so you can be confident that any hire you have, is the very best, regardless of anything else.


Multilingual parsing

Just because your business doesn't operate in an English-speaking country, doesn't mean you shouldn't have access to the most advanced parsing AI on the planet. Syft can process job descriptions and CVs in over 50 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese!

Save time, money, and effort

Why spend your time sorting through hundreds of unsuitable candidates, when you can use Syft to find the right candidates, in seconds?


Build on solid foundations

You have some great hires already, but still need to grow your team. With Syft Candidate Match, you can search for applicants that match the skills and experience of your existing team members.


Start using Syft today and discover how easy it is to speed up your hiring while improving your diversity and inclusion.

Auto-match against job description

Save hundreds of hours on candidate reviews

Candidate summaries

Auto-generated candidate summaries

GDPR compliant

Full compliance to give you peace of mind

Integrated directly into your ATS

No need to change your tooling or workflows

Match against another candidate

Build a perfect team in seconds

Candidate search

Know who you're looking for? Find them quickly with candidate search


Available on our Pro and Enterprise tiers, Syft will upload candidate while you sleep!

AI-powered filters

Much smarter that boolean searches


Syft understands more than 50 languages

Syft integrates wherever you do your hiring.

Available now
Available now
Coming soon
Coming soon

We also provide custom design and development for ATS/CRM systems. If interested please get in touch

“As the Head of Talent Acquisition at Oowlish Technology, I had the chance to explore Syft's capabilities in combination with Lever. The results were quite promising. Syft has the potential to greatly enhance staffing processes by efficiently assessing candidate compatibility. Its AI-driven approach shows promise in saving time and potentially improving the quality of hires. I believe Syft could be a valuable tool for any organization looking to streamline their recruitment process."

Alex Amaya, Oowlish

  • What is Syft API?
    You can now leverage our expert blind-AI platform for your own systems! Syft API is coming soon, and will democratise blind AI hiring for everyone.
  • How much is Syft?
    Syft has a highly flexible and adaptable pricing model depending on the amount of candidates you have, and how many seats you need. For more accurate pricing, schedule a demo and we can discuss your needs.
  • What is Syft TalentLake?
    Syft TalentLake is a brand new feature of Syft, coming soon. By mapping every single applicant in your ATS against your job description, you can be sure to find quality, diverse candidates much faster than ever before. It can also be used to promote and move from within! Simply add your existing teams' CVs to your ATS, and see who has the experience achieve success!
  • Which ATS do you integrate with?
    Currently we integrate with Lever and Greenhouse, but have plans to integrate with many more in the near future. If you would like us to specifically look at your ATS, please let us know by emailing We can normally create a new integration in a couple of weeks, so let us know!
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